Alison Strittmatter, CNS
Endocrinology and Weight Management
Alison holds an M.S. in Human Clinical Nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health. Her undergraduate degree is in Health and Exercise Science with a minor in Psychology. Her nutrition philosophy holds that each individual knows their body better than anyone else; she strives to help each patient she encounters feel completely heard and seen and strives to work as an ally with them to reach their goals on their health journey.
Providing education around nourishing the body is something that Alison believes is key in achieving optimal health. A primarily whole-food diet (fruits, vegetables, high quality proteins and fats), adequate clean water consumption, and movement are the cornerstones from which Alison practices.
Alison has been a personal trainer in South Jersey for ten years and holds certifications in Functional Range Conditioning (FRCms), Exercise Physiology (ACSM), and Functional Range Assessment (FRA). Movement is a large part of keeping the body well, and Alison believes in employing gentle, fun, pain-free movement into the daily routine.
Alison’s favorite things to do are walk the beach or boardwalk, play with her puppy, Keira, (15 yr old baby!) play the piano, read mystery novels, play beach volleyball, cook, and eat great food!