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Weight Management Program

Weight Management Program


SMC Medical Weight Management & Lifestyle Program

Welcome to SMC Weight Management program! By following this program, you will learn how to improve your health and quality of life while losing weight safely under the direct supervision of our physician and medical weight loss team of professionals. It is our mission to provide you with an evidence-based approach to weight loss and weight maintenance through an individualized treatment plan designed to meet your needs and goals. Our meal plans differ in calorie content and macronutrient composition depending on your individual needs, underlaying health conditions, and abilities.

Our team will guide you through a full educational program and lifestyle coaching.

Our goal is to help you take control to achieve a healthier life, disease prevention and lower your cardiovascular risk. Losing even as little as 5-10% of body weight will go a long way to prevent and improve blood sugars, blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep apnea, cancers, and joint disease.   

So, take action now…

Our Comprehensive Weight Management Team

Samar Bursheh, MD; Endocrinologist and weight management specialist

Alison Strittmatter, CNS; Clinical and functional nutritionist, health coach

Shari Shaltout, DNP; Endocrinology and weight management team

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Meal Plan Options Include
  1. Full Meal Replacement (FMR) programs
    1. VLCD (very low calorie diet)
    2. LCD (low calorie diet)VLCD and LCD FMR plans are medically supervised rapid weight loss program designed for individuals who need to lose at least 40 pounds. The plans include low-calorie diet, close medical monitoring, counseling, and lifestyle education.  This medically designed program uses the highest quality meal replacement products and is staged to ensure optimal nutrition, meal planning, and behavior changes. The goal is to give you insight into your eating and activity habits so you can permanently alter your lifestyle to achieve lasting weight control and better health.
  2. Partial Meal Replacement (PMR)
    The PMR is designed for individuals with 10 pounds or more to lose. It can combine meal replacements along with traditional menu planning of select meals to assist in providing steady weight loss. Each PMR is organized around nutrition, behavior, and exercise goals, to help participants lose weight safely and effectively- and to maintain your healthy new weight.
  3. Traditional meal preparation plan
    Also designed for individuals with 10 pounds or more to lose who do not wish to use meal replacement. A customized traditional meal plan is provided to assist in providing steady weight loss. Each individual plan is built to meet an individual’s nutrition, behavior, and exercise goals, to help participants lose weight safely and effectively, and to meet weight maintenance goals.
  4. Long Term weight loss maintenance and lifestyle Coaching program
    Obesity is a chronic disease and requires long-term management & follow up to guarantee the greatest success and maintenance of health benefits. Continued follow up with our care team is the secret to long lasting success. During the maintenance phase you can move between the different programs depending on your weight changes and health needs. You will continue to receive medical, nutritional, and behavioral support tailored to you needs.
  5. Orthopedic surgery optimization program
    Our weight management program aims to help patients improve nutrition status while promoting weight loss in anticipation of their upcoming orthopedic surgery.

    Weight loss prior to orthopedic surgery may help reduce the risk of complications and improve surgical outcomes. We offer Pre-surgical and post-surgical medically supervised weight loss and nutritional programs – for elective orthopedic and non-orthopedic surgeries.

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Our Medically supervised program offers
  • Endocrine metabolic assessment & treatment.
  • Individualized meal plans.
  • Nutritional evaluation & management.
  • Approved weight management medications- our team will prescribe FDA-approved medications for weight loss (if you are a candidate) to help with weight loss and appetite suppression.
  • Lifestyle education series & Behavioral skill programs (LES series).
  • Supplements: high grade vitamins, antioxidants, and metabolic boosters, are individualized to each patient and vary with phase of the program and need.
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Nutrition Services

Through our leading program, we are ready to help you to feel vibrant, confident, and healthy. We offer multiple comprehensive nutrition services that will empower you and help you achieve the mindset and tools essential for long term success.

You will meet our nutritionist and health coach, Alison, at different points during your journey depending on your personalized plan. We offer the following nutrition services based on your needs.

  1. Full Nutrition assessment
  2. Full metabolic assessment
  3. Functional Nutrition counseling
  4. Personalized vitamin and supplement recommendations
  5. Personalized meal planning guidance
  6. Personalized Exercise, fitness and yoga plan
  7. Comprehensive lifestyle coaching and education
  8. Simple tools that will empower your success

These services are not covered by insurance, but we offer competitive pricing.

  • Initial Visit (45 min): $150
  • Follow up visit (30 min): $100
  • Package 4 visits (1 initial & 3 follow ups): $400
Lifestyle education series & Behavioral skill programs (LES series)

Our Comprehensive behavioral series, LES, is an educational program tailored to modify unhealthy habits & unhealthy relationship with food. This will provide you with the tools to incorporate healthy habits permanently into your lifestyle. We provide material during your visit, as well as group and/ or in person education sessions.